Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

26526 - Didactics: Spanish in Child Education

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26526 - Didactics: Spanish in Child Education
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this subject is based on the following:


The learning process designed for this subject is based on the teacher presenting and explaining in class the most relevant aspects that sustain children’s linguistic education, such as didactic aspects, methodological approaches, evaluation guidelines, etc., for teaching the communication and linguistic skills needed for oral communication, and to help Children’s Education students approach written communication.


The methodology includes several learning situations:

1. Reading and presenting documents and reference articles about theoretical themes as a basis of the practical part of the subject.

2. Activities to apply concepts, debates and discussions about observing and analysing the language of children studying Children’s Education, and also with the curricular materials that correspond to the different learning situations and levels of the Spanish language in this stage.

3. Designing and planning by applying the learnt strategies with various teaching activities and resources, which are adapted to not only the different contexts in the speciality, but also to distinct methodologies.

4. Analysing and collectively commenting on the developed designs.

5.2. Learning tasks

The programme for students is to help them obtain the expected results and includes the following activities:


Face-to-face activities (60 hours):

1. The teacher presents its contents.

2. Final evaluation test.

3. Practical classes of the subject matter:


Face-to-face activities:

Some face-to-face activities to be undertaken include:

- Presenting and commenting on cases and tasks in class.

- Talks about the curriculum in this area.

- Presenting books or articles related with teaching oral or written language.

- Talks about the reading-writing method, an evaluation test or a given didactic material.

- A child’s oral or written language report with recordings.

- Presenting the typical didactic units of a given educational stage.

- Activities for reflections, comments, debates and applications using theoretical contents, legislation, technical procedures, scientific or academic texts, didactic resources, etc., in class.


Virtual activities (90 hours):

- Individual autonomous work: personal reading and studying scientific texts and legislation in the area to comment on and discuss in class.

- Reading and analysing a method, an evaluation test, didactic material, etc.

- Undertaking guided academic activities by applying the patterns that the teacher offers, to: prepare a didactic unit; record and analyse the oral/written language of children studying Children’s Education.

- Studying and preparing for the exam.

- Volunteer activities: through their own initiative or guided by their teacher’s suggestion, students can undertake voluntary activities or tasks in the knowledge area of the subject matter if they wish. 

5.3. Syllabus

Grado (EQF/MECU 6)

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The calendar of boththe face-to-face sessionsand assignment presentations are communicated over the Digital Teaching Ring (DTR) or in a written document delivered by the teacher.


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic Bibliography / BC: Complementary Bibliography]


BB Didáctica de la lengua en la educación infantil / Montserrat Bigas, Montserrar Correig (editoras) . Madrid : Síntesis, D.L. 2001
BB Didáctica de la lengua y educación literaria / coordinadores, Pedro Guerrero Ruiz, María Teresa Caro Valverde ; [Antonio Albertus Morales ... [et al.]] . [1ª ed.] Madrid : Pirámide, D. L. 2015
BB Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura para primaria / coordinador, Antonio Mendoza Fillola ; coautores, Ezequiel Briz Villanueva ... [et al.] . Madrid : Prentice Hall, D.L. 2003
BB El aprendizaje de la lectoescritura desde una perspectiva constructivista. Vol. I, Actividades para realizar en el aula : textos funcionales y cuentos / Ascen Díez de Ulzurrun Pausas (coordinadora) ; Dolors Argilaga Pellisé ... [et al.] . 1a. ed. Barcelona : Graó, 1999
BB El aprendizaje de la lectoescritura desde una perspectiva constructivista. Vol. II, Actividades para realizar en el aula : lenguaje publicitario, periodístico, del comic, popular, poético y de la correspondencia / Ascen Díez de Ulzurrun Pausas (coordinadora) ; Dolors Argilaga Pellisé ... [et al.] . 1a. ed. Barcelona : Graó, 2000
BB Ferreiro, Emilia. Cultura escrita y educación : conversaciones de Emilia Ferreiro con José Antonio Castorina, Daniel Goldin y Rosa María Torres / edición de Graciela Quinteros . 1a. ed. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1999
BB Ferreiro, Emilia. Narrar por escrito desde un personaje : acercamiento de los niños a lo literario / Emila Ferreiro y Ana Siro Buenos Aires : Fondo de Cultura Económica , 2008
BB Ferreiro, Emilia. Pasado y presente de los verbos leer y escribir / Emilia Ferreiro. . 1a. ed., 2a., reimpr. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005
BB Fons Esteve, Monserrat. Leer y escribir para vivir : alfabetización inicial y uso real de la lengua escrita en el aula / Monserrat Fons Esteve . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Graó: La Galera, 2004
BB La educación lingüística : entre el deseo y la realidad / Carlos Lomas (edición) ; Cristina Aliagas ... [et al.] . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Octaedro, 2014
BB Prado Aragonés, Josefina. Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura para educar en el siglo XXI / Josefina Prado Aragonés . [1ª ed.] Madrid : La Muralla, D. L. 2004
BC Cassany, Daniel. Enseñar lengua / Daniel Cassany, Marta Luna, Glòria Sanz . 12ª ed. Barcelona : Graó, 2007
BC Cohen, Rachel. Aprendizaje precoz de la lectura : ¿a los 6 años es ya demasiado tarde? / Rachel Cohen ; [traducción de Concha Jacob Castillo] . [1a. ed., 5a, reimp.] Madrid : Cincel-Kapelusz, 1987
BC Conceptos clave en didáctica de la lengua y la literatura / Antonio Mendoza Fillola (coordinador) ; [autores, Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez ... (et al.)] . 1a. ed. [Barcelona] : Sedll : ICE Universitat de Barcelona, 1998
BC Condemarín, Mabel. La enseñanza de la escritura : bases teóricas y prácticas : manual / Mabel Condemarin, Mariana Chadwick . Madrid : Visor, 1990
BC Foucambert, Jean. Cómo ser lector : leer es comprender / Jean Foucambert ; prólogo de Josep Alcobé ; traducción de Nuria Fabrés . 1a ed. Barcelona : Laia, 1989
BC Jiménez González, Juan E.. Conciencia fonológica y aprendizaje de la lectura : teoría, evaluación e intervención / Juan E. Jiménez González, María del Rosario Ortiz González Madrid : Síntesis , D.L.1995
BC La lengua oral en la escuela : 10 experiencias didácticas / Juli Palou, Carmina Bosch, coords. ; Montserrat Carreras...[et. al.] . Barcelona : Graó, 2005
BC Lebrero Baena, María Paz. Cómo y cuándo enseñar a leer y escribir / M. Paz Lebrero Baena, M. Teresa Lebrero Baena . 1a. ed., 2a. reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, D. L. 1993
BC Los niños construyen su lectoescritura : [un enfoque piagetianao] / Yetta M. Goodman (comp.) ; [traducción, Isabel Stratta] . 4a. ed. Buenos Aires : Aique, imp. 1997
BC Materiales curriculares para favorecer el acceso a la lectura en educación infantil/ Andrés Calero Guisado ... [et al.] . Madrid : Escuela Española, D. L. 1991
BC Rodari, Gianni. Gramática de la fantasía : introducción al arte de inventar historias / Gianni Rodari ; traducción de Mario Merlino . 1a. ed., 9a. reimpr. Barcelona : Planeta, 2014